Improving Cytogenetic Surveillance in Radiology Workers Exposed to Low-Dose Radiation in Africa: A Call to Action

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Daniel G Achel
Agbenyegah Sandra
James Owusu



Radiation exposure is an occupational hazard for diagnostic and interventional radiology workers, potentially leading to chromosomal damage and increased cancer risk. This review explores the status of cytogenetic monitoring of radiation exposure among radiology workers in Africa. Monitoring of Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Workers in Ghana and Africa provides a crucial examination of radiation safety practices within the Ghanaian and Africa healthcare sector. We recovered existing literature on the cytogenetic surveillance conducted on radiology workers in Ghana and Africa stressing on the impact and/or significance of cytogenetic monitoring programmes. In these studies, mostly mathematical modeling and physical methods were used to estimate and extrapolate risks of exposure to ionizing radiation. Additionally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities for implementing cytogenetic monitoring programmes in Africa particularly Ghana and provide recommendations for future research and occupational health policies.

This review attempts to bridge the gap between physical and biological dosimetry in surveillance studies. It addresses the significant gap in cytogenetic monitoring among diagnostic and interventional radiology workers in Africa. It highlights the importance of cytogenetic surveillance for early detection of radiation-induced genetic damage, assesses the current practices, and provides a recommendation and a roadmap for establishing robust monitoring programmes. This work would contribute significantly to the understanding of occupational radiation safety issues in the healthcare sector of Africa. It also offers a comprehensive examination of the challenges and opportunities in implementing cytogenetic monitoring programmes.


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Article Details

Daniel G Achel, Agbenyegah Sandra, & James Owusu. (2024). Improving Cytogenetic Surveillance in Radiology Workers Exposed to Low-Dose Radiation in Africa: A Call to Action. Archives of Applied Biology, 001–006.
Review Articles

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