Logic proves that time does not get faster or slower (the universe is not produced by the singularity big bang)

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Xie Ling*


I use the axiom that equal conditions must have the same result.
Axiom proves that no matter how the velocity of an object changes, the time of all objects remains unchanged and unified.
Time can be expressed as an eternal constant.
Time belongs to the abstract concept of material attributes, and time is not a material concept.
There is an abstract concept of uniform velocity in the universe (For example, the velocity of light wave in vacuum is constant “C”).
According to the constant and uniform velocity of time, an important physical theory is proved: the universe is not produced by the singularity big bang.
Mathematical classification code: 00A79;83F05;00A30;03A05;70A05;70F20;03A10;03F03.


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Article Details

Ling, X. (2022). Logic proves that time does not get faster or slower (the universe is not produced by the singularity big bang). Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 5(1), 005–008. https://doi.org/10.17352/amp.000032
Research Articles

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Constant speed of light principle: the speed of light in a vacuum is the same for any observer. In special relativity, the principle of constant speed of light means that no matter what inertial frame (inertial reference frame) is observed, the propagation speed of light in vacuum is a constant and does not change with the relative motion of the light source and the observer's reference frame. This value is 299792458 M / s. space almost precisely matched the speed of light repeatedly measured by experiments — a speed that didn’t change no matter what. An observer could be running toward the light or. Link: https://bit.ly/3u0EyyO

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Inertia principle:All objects will remain in the original (static or uniform linear) motion state until the force applied to them changes its motion state. Or an object that is not subject to any external force (or the combined external force is 0) will remain in the original (static or uniform linear) motion. Link: https://bit.ly/3ibpfOy