Complex network reveals the spatiotemporal pattern of summer extreme precipitation in Eastern China

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Aidi Zhang*
Han Zhang
Meng Gao
Xinyi Wang


In this study, complex networks were constructed based on the synchronization of summer extreme precipitation events (SEPEs) in eastern China. Then, a detailed analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of SEPEs and the relationship between SEPEs in eastern China with the eastern Asian monsoon was presented. The results showed that (1) the event synchronization is low in the coastal region but high in the inland region; (2) the intensity of the monsoon varies at different phases of summer and the area and intensity of the monsoon's influence on the summer extreme rainfall events were different. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights to reveal the influence of monsoon strength on SEPEs in different regions of China.


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Article Details

Zhang, A., Zhang, H., Gao, M., & Wang, X. (2022). Complex network reveals the spatiotemporal pattern of summer extreme precipitation in Eastern China. Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 5(2), 140–145.
Research Articles

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