Boundary value problem for the third-order equation with multiple characteristics

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Djumaniyazova Khilola Atamuratovna
Khashimov Abdukomil Risbekovich*


The article constructs a unique solution to a tertiary-order equation with multiple characteristics with boundary conditions that include all possible local boundary conditions. The uniqueness of the solution of boundary value problems is proved by the method of integral equations using the sign-definiteness of quadratic forms. When proving the existence of a solution to the problem, Green's function method, the theory of integral equations and potentials are used.


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Article Details

Atamuratovna, D. K., & Risbekovich, K. A. (2023). Boundary value problem for the third-order equation with multiple characteristics. Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 001–003.
Short Communications

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