Experimental and theoretical studies of the influence of the bench elements on the transient operation of the turbine

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AF Salnikov
SV Bochkarev
IA Zubko*


The energy parameters obtained during the tests of turbines of power units on the stand differ from those in the product. The research data, which results are presented in the materials of the paper, are aimed at analyzing the discrepancies between the parametric indicators of power units and bench tests of the turbines. The novelty of the obtained results reveals the direct and inverse relationship of changes in the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the elements of the stand (depending on the realized turbine power) with the obtained results of measuring the turbine power on the stand. We developed and described an algorithm for constructing dynamic analysis during the formation of the wave field of the test bench for turbines both in transient modes and in stationary modes corresponding to a constant number of turbine revolutions. It is shown that, by using the algorithm of modal deduction and conditions of dynamic excitation of vibrations from the tested turbine with elements of studying its power, it is possible to construct transients with certain reliability when the number of revolutions of the turbine changes, i.e. its power. The diagnostic model has a novelty since it allows not only to assess of the influence of the elements of the stand on the nature of the transient process when measuring turbine power in transient modes, taking into account the frequency adjustment when changing the revolutions of the turbine and the elements of the stand but also to form requirements for the frequency tuning of the stand. To clarify the transfer function of the "stand–turbine" system, a modal analysis was applied, which made it possible to clarify the structure of the transfer function in the frequency range of the natural (partial) frequencies of the elements of the stand when the restructuring of the wave field during the transient operation of the turbine, but also when the turbine reaches the specified power.


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Article Details

Salnikov, A., Bochkarev, S., & Zubko, I. (2023). Experimental and theoretical studies of the influence of the bench elements on the transient operation of the turbine. Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 029–035. https://doi.org/10.17352/amp.000073
Research Articles

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