Successive differentiation of some mathematical functions using hypergeometric mechanism

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MI Qureshi
Tafaz ul Rahman Shah*
Shakir Hussain Malik


In this article, we obtain successive differentiation of some composite mathematical functions: (z)−12sin−1√(z)+√(1−z) ; (z)12sin−1√(z)+√(1−z) ; 4z[1−√(1−z)+ℓn(1+√(1−z)2)] ; 4z2[2√(1−z)−2+z−2zℓn(1+√(1−z)2)] and −4zℓn(1+√(1−z)2) , using a hypergeometric approach as the successive differentiation of these functions can not be performed by any other mathematical technique.
2020 MSC: 33C05, 33B10


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Article Details

Qureshi, M., Shah, T. ul R., & Malik, S. H. (2023). Successive differentiation of some mathematical functions using hypergeometric mechanism. Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 6(2), 182–186.
Research Articles

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