Stepwise Alternating Direction Implicit Method of the Three Dimensional Convective-Diffusion Equation

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Amina Sabir*
Mairemunisa Abudusaimaiti


A stepwise alternating direction implicit method of the three dimensional convective-diffusion equation is considered in this paper. We constructed an implicit difference scheme and analyzes it's truncation error, convergence and stabilities. The theoretical and numerical analysis shows that the implicit difference scheme is unconditional stable. Then the Greedy Algorithm is proposed to solve the numerical solution on x,y and z axis separately by using implicit difference scheme and the numerical solution is convergent theoretically, however with no physical meaning.

The Stepwise Alternating Direction Implicit Method (SADIM) is proposed, which uses the implicit difference scheme in this paper. Using Sauls scheme to pretreat the initial-boundary condition before iterating, thus eliminate the numerical oscillation caused by discontinuous initial boundary conditions. This SADIM is at least six ordered convergent, and is one of high ordered numerical methods for three dimensional problem. Our implicit difference scheme is more ideal than the standard Galerkin centered on finite difference scheme, quicker than SOR iteration method. The convergence of our implicit scheme is better than finite element method, characteristic line method, and mesh-less method. Our method eliminates the numerical oscillation caused by the convection dominant, resists the dispersion effectively and addresses dissipation caused by diffusion dominant.The implicit difference scheme has good theoretical and practical value.


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Sabir, A., & Abudusaimaiti, M. (2024). Stepwise Alternating Direction Implicit Method of the Three Dimensional Convective-Diffusion Equation. Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 248–276.
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