
The preservation and accessibility of scholarly content are of utmost importance in academic publishing. At the Annals of Mathematics and Physics, we are committed to ensuring that all articles published in our journal are preserved for the long term and remain accessible to scholars, practitioners, and readers around the world. With the growing reliance on digital publications, the need for secure, reliable, and permanent preservation systems has become essential.

This commitment goes beyond simply making content available; it extends to ensuring that our readers can trust that the research and findings published will remain accessible in their original form for future generations, regardless of technological advancements or unforeseen interruptions. Archiving is not only about retaining access; it is about the integrity of the academic record. Therefore, we have taken significant steps to ensure that every article we publish is safely stored and preserved using advanced archiving systems.

Preservation and Archiving Partner: Portico

In order to meet the stringent requirements for preserving scholarly content, the Annals of Mathematics and Physics has partnered with Portico, a leading digital preservation service. Portico is a service developed by ITHAKA, a non-profit organization committed to helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record. Portico ensures that content is protected from being lost, corrupted, or rendered obsolete due to changing technologies, making it a reliable partner for long-term preservation.

All articles published in the Annals of Mathematics and Physics are automatically deposited in the Portico system. These articles are securely stored and remain available for future access, even in the event that the journal ceases publication or experiences other forms of disruption. Portico's service is based on well-established international standards, including the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model, ensuring compliance with best practices in digital preservation.

Access to Archived Content

The Annals of Mathematics and Physics ensures that all content archived in Portico remains fully accessible to the academic community. This access is integral to maintaining the transparency and availability of research, allowing future scholars, practitioners, and students to benefit from past research findings. Archiving with Portico guarantees that, should our journal ever cease publication or face other access disruptions, the content will remain available through Portico’s platform.

This ensures the continuity of scholarly communication even in the face of institutional or technological challenges. For authors, this policy ensures that their published works will remain part of the permanent academic record, available to researchers around the world indefinitely. Editors can rely on the fact that all content they oversee is archived in a secure and stable environment, and they can request access to content for any necessary editorial corrections or historical reference.

Data Integrity and Security

In the realm of digital archiving, ensuring the integrity and security of archived content is essential. The Annals of Mathematics and Physics, through its partnership with Portico, has implemented industry-leading practices for preserving the authenticity and accuracy of archived content. The digital preservation system used by Portico ensures that all articles are stored in their original form, free from corruption, modification, or unauthorized access.

Portico uses advanced checksums and auditing techniques to verify that archived materials remain identical to the originally submitted files. These processes ensure that no alterations are made to the content during storage or retrieval, preserving the integrity of the academic record. Security is another critical component of the preservation process. Portico employs high-level encryption, multiple redundant storage locations, and constant monitoring to protect archived content from unauthorized access or tampering.

Compliance with International Privacy Standards

The preservation of scholarly content also extends to the protection of personal data and privacy. In line with international regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), CAN-SPAM Act, and other global privacy frameworks, the Annals of Mathematics and Physics ensures that all personal data collected and processed during the archiving process is handled with the utmost care.

The archiving process with Portico involves the secure handling of personal data, including the names and affiliations of authors, editors, and reviewers. This data is only used for the purposes of scholarly communication and is never shared with unauthorized parties. Portico’s privacy practices are fully compliant with GDPR and other relevant privacy laws, ensuring that all personal data is stored securely and used only for legitimate purposes.

Role of Editors, Reviewers, and Authors

Editors, reviewers, and authors all play important roles in the preservation of the scholarly record at the Annals of Mathematics and Physics. Each of these stakeholders has a responsibility to contribute to the integrity of the academic content that is preserved, and our archiving practices are designed to ensure that their contributions are properly safeguarded for future reference.

  • Editors: As the primary overseers of the journal’s content, editors are responsible for ensuring that all articles are appropriately archived and preserved. Editors should verify that all content published in the journal is complete and accurate before it is submitted for archiving in Portico.
  • Reviewers: While reviewers primarily focus on the quality and integrity of manuscripts, their contributions also play a critical role in ensuring that the academic record is robust and reliable. By providing thoughtful and thorough reviews, reviewers help to ensure that the content being archived is of the highest quality.
  • Authors: By submitting their work to the Annals of Mathematics and Physics, authors agree to have their articles archived in Portico for long-term preservation. Authors should ensure that their submissions are accurate, complete, and comply with all journal guidelines as these articles will be permanently stored as part of the scholarly record.

Future Enhancements

As part of our ongoing commitment to preserving and disseminating scholarly knowledge, the Annals of Mathematics and Physics continuously evaluates its archiving and preservation strategies. While we currently partner with Portico, we are actively exploring additional preservation options to further strengthen our long-term preservation infrastructure. These enhancements may include expanding our partnerships with other digital preservation services, implementing new technologies for data storage, and adopting additional best practices from the academic publishing industry.

Our future plans include ensuring that the journal remains at the forefront of digital preservation standards. By staying ahead of industry trends, we aim to provide an even more secure and reliable preservation service for our authors, editors, reviewers, and readers.