Excess Energy Released Due To Proton-Proton Collisions in Condensed Matter Could Be Due To Laboratory-Made Micro Black Holes
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While sodium metal dissolution in concentrated (2M) Epsom solution is very peaceful under stirring conditions in about 5 to 10s, its dissolution in a dilute (0.85) Epsom solution has turned very violent. Nearly 30s after the addition of Na, the solution exploded accompanied by the vaporization of the glass beaker. Only sodium aerosol and tiny molten needles of glass were seen around indicating a very high temperature (>1000 0C) has indeed been reached. The timing of the explosion has indicated that hydrogen released during sodium dissolution has got trapped in the salt solution and subsequent energy build-up has caused the excess energy release. A viable trapping mechanism involving the exchange of 2 hydrogen ions (H22+) with an Mg2+ ion in cavitation-induced nanocrystals of Epsom has been proposed in this regard. The two hydrogen ions are stabilized at the cation vacancy (cavity) by dative bonds with the two hydrogen ions in the water molecule trapped at a neighboring sulphate vacancy. Spring-like action between the two protons trapped at the cation vacancy due to oscillations caused by two opposing forces – one by cavitation and the other by coulombic repulsion eventually appear to have led to the collision of hydrogen ions at relativistic speeds in condensed matter. To start with, the two protons in the H22+ species are confined in a small space (72 pm cavity) at a single crystal cation lattice site in Na2SO4 nanocrystal which increases their head-on collision probability at high energies. There is no upper limit to the energies achieved through p-p collisions in this species as the Cavitation-Coulombic Repulsion Oscillations (CCRO) can continue until the endpoint is reached. Regeneration of a nanocrystal over a sufficiently small time scale and regeneration effect prior to cavitation collapse are all important so laws of thermodynamics are not violated. Extra dimensions of gravity at short distances, if present, could also assist in the high energies required for the production of mini black holes in condensed matter. Such black holes lose mass very quickly through the emission of Hawking radiation observed in the form of explosion with mass-energy equivalence of E = mc2. The possibility of tapping such explosive energy for peaceful purposes is discussed. As such it constitutes the third kind of atomic energy humans have entertained, the first two being fission and fusion.
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