Confidentiality and Ethics


Welcome to the Reviewers Portal of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology. As a cornerstone of our esteemed publication, you play a pivotal role in shaping the future of cardiovascular research and clinical practice. Your dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence ensure that the findings we disseminate are of the highest quality and integrity. We recognize that the advancement of medical science relies heavily on the collaborative efforts of reviewers, editors, and authors who are united in their pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

The field of cardiovascular medicine is ever-evolving, with new discoveries and technologies emerging at a rapid pace. It is through meticulous peer review and ethical scholarship that we can validate these advancements and translate them into improved patient care. We are deeply grateful for your contributions, which not only uphold the standards of our journal but also contribute significantly to the global medical community.

In an era where information is abundant yet accuracy is paramount, your role becomes even more critical. Ensuring that each piece of research is thoroughly vetted for validity, originality, and ethical compliance helps maintain the trust that clinicians, researchers, and patients place in our publication. Your insights and feedback not only refine individual manuscripts but also elevate the overall quality of cardiovascular literature.

We are committed to supporting you in this essential work by providing clear guidelines, robust systems, and a collaborative platform. Our shared goal is to foster a scholarly environment that is both rigorous and respectful, encouraging open dialogue and continual learning. Together, we can advance the frontiers of cardiovascular medicine and make a meaningful impact on global health.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence and integrity. We look forward to our continued collaboration in promoting high-quality, ethical research that benefits the scientific community and society at large.

Confidentiality and Ethics

The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the highest standards of confidentiality and ethical conduct throughout the publication process. Our dedication to these principles is rooted in a deep respect for the integrity of scientific research and the trust placed in us by authors, reviewers, editors, and readers alike.

In alignment with international regulations and guidelines, we adhere strictly to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that all personal data is handled with the utmost care and transparency. We recognize the importance of protecting personal information and are committed to processing data lawfully, fairly, and in a manner that respects individual rights. Our compliance extends to other global privacy standards, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.

We also fully comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, which governs electronic communications, ensuring that all our correspondence is conducted respectfully, transparently, and with consent. Our commitment to ethical communication reflects our broader dedication to fostering trust and integrity in all our interactions.

Our ethical framework is guided by the principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics, addressing issues such as authorship disputes, conflicts of interest, and allegations of misconduct with diligence and fairness. By following COPE's guidelines, we ensure that our processes are transparent, accountable, and geared toward the responsible dissemination of knowledge.

Moreover, we align our practices with the requirements of major indexing databases, including the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scopus, Web of Science, and others. Compliance with these standards ensures that our journal maintains its reputation for quality and that our published research reaches a broad and relevant audience. Adhering to these guidelines also signifies our commitment to transparency, accessibility, and the advancement of open science.

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of our review process. We expect all participants to respect the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts, reviewer comments, and editorial decisions. This respect for privacy fosters an environment where authors can present their work without fear of premature disclosure, and reviewers can provide candid assessments.

In embracing these ethical standards and confidentiality requirements, we aim to cultivate a scholarly community characterized by mutual respect, integrity, and a shared commitment to advancing cardiovascular medicine. We believe that adherence to these principles not only enhances the quality of our publication but also reinforces the trust that our readers, authors, and reviewers place in us.

Guidelines for Reviewers

As a reviewer for the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, you hold a position of significant responsibility and influence. Your expertise contributes directly to the quality and integrity of the research we publish. To support you in this vital role, we have established comprehensive guidelines that emphasize confidentiality, ethical conduct, and constructive collaboration.

Confidentiality of Manuscripts

All manuscripts received for review are confidential documents. It is imperative that you do not disclose any information about a manuscript to anyone outside the editorial team. This includes not discussing the content with colleagues, using the information for personal advantage, or sharing any data presented in the manuscript. Confidentiality ensures that authors' work is protected and that the integrity of the review process is maintained.

Conflict of Interest

We require reviewers to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that might influence their judgment. Conflicts can arise from various situations, such as personal relationships with the authors, financial interests, or competitive research activities. If you recognize a conflict, please inform the editorial office promptly. Transparency in this regard helps preserve the objectivity and credibility of the review process.

Ethical Vigilance

Your role extends beyond evaluating the scientific merit of the manuscript; you are also a guardian of ethical standards. If you suspect any ethical issues, such as plagiarism, duplicate publication, data fabrication, or unethical research practices, it is your duty to report these concerns to the editor confidentially. We take all allegations seriously and follow COPE guidelines to address them appropriately.

Constructive Feedback

We encourage you to provide clear, concise, and constructive feedback. Your comments should aim to help authors improve their work, highlighting both strengths and areas for enhancement. Be specific in your critiques, offering evidence-based suggestions. Remember to maintain a respectful and professional tone, as your feedback not only influences the manuscript but also supports the authors' professional development.


Timely reviews are crucial to the efficiency of the publication process. We appreciate your commitment to completing reviews within the agreed timeframe. If you anticipate any delays, please communicate with the editorial office as soon as possible so that we can make necessary adjustments.


Our journal operates under a single-blind review process, where reviewers remain anonymous to authors. Please ensure that your comments do not reveal your identity. This anonymity allows for impartial and unbiased assessments.

Use of Manuscript Content

You are expected to refrain from using any information obtained during the review process for personal gain or to discredit others. The content of the manuscript should not be exploited in any way prior to its publication.

Collaboration with Co-Reviewers

If you wish to involve a colleague or trainee in the review process, please obtain permission from the editorial office first. Co-reviewers must also agree to the same confidentiality and ethical standards.

Reviewing Standards

  • Expertise: Accept review assignments only if you have the appropriate expertise to provide an informed assessment.
  • Objective Evaluation: Focus on the content and quality of the manuscript, avoiding personal biases or irrelevant critiques.
  • Citation of Relevant Work: Encourage authors to acknowledge relevant work, including studies that may contradict their findings, to provide a balanced perspective.

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute significantly to the integrity and excellence of our journal. Your efforts ensure that only high-quality, ethically sound research is disseminated to the scientific community, ultimately advancing the field of cardiovascular medicine.

Guidelines for Editors

As editors of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, you are entrusted with the critical task of overseeing the integrity and quality of the publication process. Your decisions have a profound impact on the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of the field. To support you in this essential role, we have established comprehensive guidelines that emphasize impartiality, confidentiality, ethical oversight, and compliance with international regulations.

Impartial Decision-Making

Editorial decisions should be based solely on the manuscript's academic merit, relevance to the journal's scope, and contribution to the field. It is imperative to avoid any discrimination based on the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. Upholding impartiality ensures that all authors are treated fairly and that the journal maintains its reputation for integrity.

Confidential Handling

All submitted manuscripts must be treated with strict confidentiality. Editors should not disclose any information about a manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and other editorial advisors. This includes not sharing content with colleagues or using information for personal advantage. Confidentiality fosters trust in the editorial process and protects authors' intellectual property.

Compliance with Regulations

Editors are responsible for ensuring that all editorial practices comply with applicable laws and regulations, including GDPR, the CAN-SPAM Act, and other relevant privacy laws such as PIPEDA, APPs, and CCPA. This includes the lawful handling of personal data, secure storage of confidential information, and respectful communication with authors, reviewers, and readers. Compliance with these regulations not only fulfills legal obligations but also upholds ethical standards and protects individuals' rights.

Ethical Oversight

Editors must be vigilant in upholding ethical standards throughout the publication process. This includes:

  • Addressing Misconduct: If allegations of misconduct arise (e.g., plagiarism, data fabrication, unethical research practices), editors should follow COPE's guidelines for handling such cases. This involves conducting a fair and thorough investigation and taking appropriate action, which may include publishing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern.
  • Conflict of Interest Management: Editors should avoid handling manuscripts where there may be a conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or personal relationships with authors. Transparency in these matters preserves the integrity of editorial decisions.
  • Authorship Disputes: In cases of authorship disputes, editors should facilitate communication among parties and refer to established guidelines (e.g., ICMJE recommendations) to resolve issues fairly.

Editorial Independence

Editors have full authority over the editorial content of the journal and the timing of publication. Decisions should not be influenced by external pressures from publishers, advertisers, or other stakeholders. Editorial independence is essential to maintaining the journal's credibility and trustworthiness.

Quality Assurance

Maintaining the quality of published content is a key responsibility. Editors should:

  • Ensure Rigorous Peer Review: Oversee the peer review process to ensure that it is thorough, fair, and timely. Select reviewers with appropriate expertise and monitor their performance.
  • Promote Ethical Research Practices: Encourage authors to adhere to ethical guidelines in the conduct and reporting of research, including obtaining necessary approvals and consents.
  • Facilitate Transparency: Encourage transparency in methodology, data availability, and potential conflicts of interest to enhance the reproducibility and reliability of published research.


Effective communication with authors and reviewers is essential. Editors should:

  • Provide Clear Guidance: Offer detailed instructions and guidelines to authors and reviewers to facilitate the submission and review processes.
  • Be Responsive: Address inquiries and concerns promptly and courteously, providing constructive feedback and support.
  • Respect Privacy: Ensure that all communications comply with privacy laws and respect recipients' preferences regarding electronic communications.

By adhering to these guidelines, editors uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and contribute to the journal's mission of advancing cardiovascular medicine. Your leadership and commitment to excellence ensure that the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology remains a trusted and respected publication in the scientific community.

Guidelines for Authors

As authors submitting to the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, you are integral to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Your adherence to ethical guidelines and best practices ensures that your research contributes meaningfully to the scientific community. The following comprehensive guidelines are designed to support you in preparing your manuscript for submission.

Ethical Research Practices

  • Human and Animal Subjects: Ensure that all studies involving human participants comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and have received approval from an appropriate ethics committee. For animal studies, follow relevant guidelines for the humane treatment of animals and obtain necessary institutional approvals.
  • Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from all human subjects or their legal guardians. Respect participants' rights to privacy and confidentiality.
  • Clinical Trials Registration: Register clinical trials in a recognized public registry prior to participant enrollment, as per ICMJE recommendations.

Accurate Reporting

  • Honest Presentation: Report your findings accurately and objectively. Do not fabricate, falsify, or manipulate data.
  • Methodological Transparency: Provide sufficient detail in your methodology to allow replication of your study. Include information on study design, data collection, and analysis.
  • Negative Results: Do not omit findings that are inconclusive or contradict your hypotheses. Reporting all results contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

Originality and Plagiarism

  • Original Work: Submit only work that is original and has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be considered unethical behavior.
  • Proper Citation: Accurately cite all sources that have influenced your work, including publications, data sets, and personal communications. Use quotation marks or block quotes for direct citations and provide appropriate references.
  • Avoiding Redundant Publication: Do not submit manuscripts describing essentially the same research to more than one journal. Duplicate publication can distort the academic record and waste resources.

Authorship Criteria

  • Significant Contribution: Limit authorship to individuals who have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research.
  • Author Agreement: Ensure that all listed authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to its submission.
  • Acknowledgments: Recognize contributions from individuals who do not meet authorship criteria (e.g., technical assistance, writing support) in the acknowledgments section.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

  • Transparency: Disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest. This includes funding sources, affiliations, or personal interests that may influence your work.
  • Financial Support: Acknowledge all sources of financial support, including grants, equipment, or other resources provided for the study.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • Data Protection: Comply with data protection laws, including GDPR, when handling personal data. Ensure that data is collected, stored, and used lawfully and ethically.
  • Export Controls: Be aware of and comply with export control regulations if your research involves sensitive technologies or information.

Manuscript Preparation

  • Formatting Guidelines: Adhere to the journal's formatting and submission guidelines, including those for figures, tables, and references.
  • Language Quality: Ensure that the manuscript is written clearly and concisely in English. Consider professional language editing services if necessary.
  • Supplementary Materials: Provide supplementary data or materials as required to support the validity of your research.

Response to Peer Review

  • Professionalism: Respond to reviewers' comments respectfully and constructively. Address all points raised and revise the manuscript accordingly.
  • Timeliness: Submit revisions and responses within the specified timeframe. Communicate with the editorial office if extensions are needed.

Post-Publication Obligations

  • Corrections: Notify the journal promptly if you discover significant errors or inaccuracies in your published work. Collaborate with the editor to issue corrections or retractions as necessary.
  • Data Sharing: Where applicable, make your data available in accordance with the journal's data sharing policies. Data transparency enhances reproducibility and trust in your research.

By following these guidelines, you contribute to the integrity and quality of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology. Your commitment to ethical research and transparent reporting not only strengthens your work but also supports the broader scientific community in advancing cardiovascular medicine.

Privacy and Data Protection

The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology is deeply committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of all individuals involved in the publication process, including authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. Our practices are designed to comply with international data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that personal information is handled responsibly and transparently.

Compliance with International Regulations

We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for individuals within the European Economic Area (EEA), which sets a high standard for data protection and privacy. Our compliance extends to other international regulations, including:

  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in Canada.
  • Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) under the Privacy Act 1988 in Australia.
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.
  • Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore.

By aligning our practices with these regulations, we ensure that personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently, regardless of where individuals are located.

Data Collection and Use

  • Purpose Limitation: Personal data is collected solely for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes related to the editorial and publication processes. This includes communication, peer review coordination, and dissemination of research.
  • Lawful Basis: We process personal data based on lawful grounds, such as consent, contractual necessity, or legitimate interests, as appropriate under applicable laws.
  • Minimization: We collect only the personal data necessary for the intended purposes. This may include names, contact information, institutional affiliations, and areas of expertise.

Data Security

  • Technical Measures: We implement robust security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. This includes encryption, secure servers, and firewalls.
  • Organizational Measures: Access to personal data is restricted to authorized personnel who require the information to perform their duties. Staff members are trained in data protection principles and confidentiality obligations.
  • Data Breach Response: In the unlikely event of a data breach, we have procedures in place to promptly identify, contain, and mitigate the incident, including notifying affected individuals and regulatory authorities as required.

Data Retention

  • Retention Periods: Personal data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, comply with legal obligations, or resolve disputes.
  • Anonymization and Deletion: When personal data is no longer needed, we securely delete or anonymize it to prevent identification of individuals.

Individual Rights

We respect and facilitate individuals' rights concerning their personal data, including:

  • Access: Individuals can request access to their personal data that we hold.
  • Rectification: Individuals can request correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Erasure: Individuals can request deletion of their personal data under certain conditions.
  • Restriction: Individuals can request restriction of processing in specific circumstances.
  • Objection: Individuals can object to processing based on legitimate interests or direct marketing.
  • Data Portability: Individuals can request transfer of their data to another organization in a structured, commonly used format.

Consent and Communication Preferences

  • Informed Consent: Where processing is based on consent, we obtain clear and affirmative consent from individuals, providing information about how their data will be used.
  • Opt-Out Options: Individuals can manage their communication preferences and opt-out of non-essential communications at any time.

Third-Party Disclosure

  • Limited Sharing: Personal data is shared with third parties only as necessary for the publication process (e.g., with reviewers or indexing services) and under agreements that ensure data protection.
  • International Transfers: If personal data is transferred outside the individual's jurisdiction, we ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place, such as standard contractual clauses or adequacy decisions.

Children's Privacy

Our services are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children without appropriate parental consent.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

  • Usage Information: We may use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience on our website. Users can manage their cookie preferences through browser settings.
  • Transparency: We provide clear information about the types of cookies used and their purposes.

Policy Updates

We may update our privacy policy to reflect changes in laws or our practices. We will notify users of significant changes and obtain consent where required.

Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns regarding privacy and data protection, individuals can contact our Data Protection Officer at We are committed to addressing requests and resolving issues in a timely and transparent manner.

By prioritizing privacy and data protection, we reinforce our commitment to ethical standards and foster trust among all participants in the publication process. Our adherence to international regulations ensures that personal data is handled with respect and integrity.