
Welcome to the Editors Portal of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology. As a cornerstone publication in the field of cardiovascular research, our journal is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering innovation. We recognize the pivotal role that editors, reviewers, and authors play in upholding the integrity and quality of scholarly communication. This comprehensive guide outlines the ethical standards and responsibilities that underpin our editorial practices. By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that our journal not only maintains the highest levels of academic excellence but also complies with the requirements of leading indexing databases such as DOAJ, JCR, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and others.

Our commitment to ethical publishing is unwavering. In an era where information is abundant yet the veracity of content is often questioned, it is imperative that we, as custodians of scientific literature, uphold principles of honesty, transparency, and accountability. This document serves as both an informational resource and an instructional manual for editors, reviewers, and authors associated with our journal. It encompasses global ethical standards, privacy regulations like GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act, and aligns with the guidelines set forth by organizations such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

We invite you to familiarize yourself with these ethical guidelines thoroughly. Your active participation in implementing these standards is essential in maintaining the trust of our readership, the scientific community, and the public at large. Together, we can continue to contribute meaningfully to the field of cardiovascular medicine and ensure that our journal remains a respected and reliable source of scientific information.

Editorial Responsibilities

As an editor of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, you hold a position of significant influence and responsibility. Your actions directly impact the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the reputation of our publication. This section delineates your ethical obligations, emphasizing the importance of fairness, confidentiality, transparency, and integrity in all editorial activities.

1. Fair Play

Principle Overview:

Fair play is the cornerstone of ethical editorial practice. It entails evaluating manuscripts impartially, solely based on their intellectual content, without discrimination or bias. This principle ensures that all submissions receive equal consideration, fostering a diverse and inclusive scientific discourse.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Objective Evaluation: Assess each manuscript on its originality, significance, methodological rigor, clarity of presentation, and relevance to the journal's scope. Avoid letting personal beliefs or external influences sway your judgment.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Develop and use clear criteria for manuscript evaluation.
      • Encourage diversity by welcoming submissions from all regions and backgrounds.
      • Be open to innovative ideas and interdisciplinary approaches.
  • Non-Discrimination: Do not discriminate against authors based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Implement blind or double-blind review processes where appropriate.
      • Regularly review and update editorial policies to promote inclusivity.
      • Address any instances of bias or discrimination promptly and effectively.
  • Conflict of Interest Avoidance: Refrain from processing manuscripts if there is a potential conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the authors or institutions involved.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Disclose any potential conflicts to the editorial board.
      • Assign the manuscript to another qualified editor when necessary.
      • Maintain transparency with all parties involved.

2. Confidentiality

Principle Overview:

Confidentiality is essential to protect the integrity of the editorial process and the intellectual property rights of authors. It involves safeguarding all information related to submitted manuscripts and respecting the privacy of authors and reviewers.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Secure Handling of Manuscripts: Ensure that all materials submitted remain confidential during and after the review process.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Use secure systems for manuscript submission and review (e.g., encrypted online platforms).
      • Limit access to manuscripts to individuals directly involved in the editorial process.
      • Avoid discussing submissions with unauthorized parties.
  • Anonymity of Reviewers: Protect the identities of reviewers unless they have consented to disclosure.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Implement policies that support reviewer anonymity, if applicable.
      • Refrain from sharing reviewer comments or identities without permission.
  • Data Protection Compliance: Adhere to data protection regulations such as GDPR, ensuring that personal data of authors and reviewers is processed lawfully and transparently.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Obtain necessary consents for data processing.
      • Provide clear privacy notices outlining how personal data will be used.
      • Respond promptly to requests for data access or erasure.

3. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Principle Overview:

Managing conflicts of interest is vital to maintain trust in the editorial process. Editors must disclose any personal or professional relationships that could influence their decisions and recuse themselves when appropriate.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Identification of Conflicts: Be vigilant in recognizing situations where personal interests may conflict with editorial responsibilities.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Regularly review your professional and personal affiliations.
      • Be transparent about any potential conflicts with the editorial board.
  • Recusal from Decision-Making: If a conflict exists, delegate the manuscript to another qualified editor to ensure an unbiased review process.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Establish a protocol for transferring manuscripts in such cases.
      • Inform the authors and reviewers of the change in handling editor without disclosing the reason.
  • Use of Unpublished Material: Do not use information gained through the editorial process for personal research or advantage.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Treat all unpublished data as confidential.
      • Seek permission from the author before using any part of their work.

4. Involvement and Cooperation in Investigations

Principle Overview:

Editors have a duty to act when ethical concerns arise about a submitted or published paper. This includes cooperating with investigations and taking appropriate actions to correct the literature.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Responding to Ethical Issues: Address allegations of misconduct such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or ethical violations promptly and thoroughly.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Follow established procedures for handling complaints (e.g., COPE guidelines).
      • Maintain impartiality and confidentiality during investigations.
      • Keep detailed records of all communications and findings.
  • Correction of the Literature: If errors or misconduct are confirmed, facilitate the publication of corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as necessary.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Communicate clearly with authors about the findings and intended actions.
      • Ensure that corrections are linked to the original publication.
      • Update indexing services and databases with corrected information.
  • Collaboration with Institutions: Work with authors' institutions or other relevant bodies during investigations to ensure a comprehensive resolution.
    • Instructions for Editors:
      • Provide necessary information to institutional inquiries while respecting confidentiality.
      • Support efforts to educate authors and reviewers on ethical standards.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process is fundamental to validating research and ensuring the quality of published work. As an editor, you are responsible for overseeing this process, ensuring that it is conducted fairly, efficiently, and ethically.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Selection of Reviewers:
    • Expertise and Objectivity: Choose reviewers who have the appropriate expertise and are free from conflicts of interest.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Maintain an up-to-date database of qualified reviewers.
        • Assess potential reviewers for recent publications and experience in the relevant field.
        • Avoid selecting reviewers with close ties to the authors.
  • Guidance to Reviewers:
    • Clear Expectations: Provide reviewers with detailed instructions on their role and the standards expected.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Supply guidelines on the ethical aspects of review (e.g., confidentiality, objectivity).
        • Outline the criteria for manuscript evaluation (e.g., originality, methodology, significance).
        • Encourage constructive feedback that assists authors in improving their work.
  • Monitoring Review Quality:
    • Consistency and Reliability: Monitor the performance of reviewers to maintain high-quality assessments.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Review the content and tone of reviewer reports.
        • Provide feedback to reviewers to enhance their performance.
        • Recognize and acknowledge exemplary contributions.
  • Timeliness:
    • Efficient Process: Strive to minimize delays in the review process while maintaining thorough evaluations.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Set reasonable deadlines for reviewers and follow up as needed.
        • Consider using additional reviewers if delays occur.
        • Keep authors informed about the status of their submissions.

Publication Decisions

Making informed and fair publication decisions is a critical editorial function. These decisions should be based on the merit of the work and alignment with the journal's mission and ethical standards.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Decision Criteria:
    • Scientific Merit: Base acceptance or rejection on the manuscript's contribution to the field, methodological soundness, and relevance.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Weigh the reviewers' recommendations carefully.
        • Consider the novelty and potential impact of the research.
        • Ensure that the work fits within the journal's scope and audience.
  • Communication with Authors:
    • Transparency and Constructiveness: Provide clear and respectful feedback to authors regarding editorial decisions.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Offer detailed explanations for rejections or requests for revision.
        • Highlight both strengths and areas for improvement.
        • Encourage resubmission if appropriate, outlining necessary changes.
  • Policy Adherence:
    • Ethical and Legal Compliance: Ensure that all published content complies with ethical guidelines, legal requirements, and policies.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Verify that manuscripts meet ethical standards for research involving humans or animals.
        • Check for compliance with policies on data sharing and transparency.
        • Confirm that necessary permissions and declarations are in place.

Ethical Oversight

Maintaining ethical oversight involves ensuring that all research published in the journal adheres to established ethical standards, particularly concerning research involving human participants, animals, and sensitive data.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Ethical Approval Verification:
    • Documentation: Require authors to provide evidence of ethical approvals from relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Include ethical approval requirements in author guidelines.
        • Request copies of approval letters or certificates.
        • Verify that the study's ethical considerations are adequately described in the manuscript.
  • Compliance with Guidelines:
    • Adherence to Standards: Ensure that studies comply with international guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki for human research and the ARRIVE guidelines for animal research.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Familiarize yourself with key ethical guidelines and standards.
        • Encourage authors to reference these guidelines in their manuscripts.
        • Seek expert advice when in doubt about specific ethical issues.
  • Handling Ethical Concerns:
    • Proactive Measures: Address potential ethical issues identified during the review process promptly and sensitively.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Discuss concerns with the authors to seek clarification.
        • Consult with the editorial board or ethics committee as needed.
        • Consider rejecting manuscripts that fail to meet ethical standards.

Protection of Individual Data

Safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved in research is a fundamental ethical obligation. This includes handling personal data responsibly and ensuring that consent is obtained where necessary.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Informed Consent:
    • Participant Awareness: Ensure that authors have obtained informed consent from participants, particularly when identifiable information is involved.
      • Instructions for Authors and Editors:
        • Require a statement of informed consent in the manuscript.
        • Verify that consent includes permission for publication.
        • Be cautious with studies involving vulnerable populations.
  • Anonymization and Confidentiality:
    • Data Protection: Encourage authors to anonymize data to prevent identification of individuals.
      • Instructions for Authors and Editors:
        • Remove or mask identifying details in text and images.
        • Use aggregated data when possible.
        • Obtain explicit consent if identifiable information must be published.
  • Legal Compliance:
    • Regulatory Adherence: Comply with data protection laws such as GDPR, HIPAA, or other relevant regulations.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Provide guidance to authors on data protection requirements.
        • Implement policies for handling personal data securely.
        • Respond appropriately to data breaches or privacy concerns.

Dealing with Misconduct

Addressing scientific misconduct is crucial for maintaining the credibility of the journal and the scientific record. Misconduct includes plagiarism, data fabrication, falsification, and unethical research practices.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Detection and Prevention:
    • Vigilance: Be proactive in detecting potential misconduct during the submission and review process.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Use plagiarism detection software to screen submissions.
        • Encourage reviewers to report suspected misconduct.
        • Stay informed about common forms of academic dishonesty.
  • Investigation Procedures:
    • Fair Inquiry: Conduct investigations into allegations of misconduct objectively and confidentially.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Follow established protocols, such as those outlined by COPE.
        • Notify the author(s) of the concerns and request a response.
        • Involve the author's institution if necessary.
  • Outcomes and Actions:
    • Appropriate Measures: Take actions that reflect the severity of the misconduct, ranging from corrections to retractions.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Correct minor errors through errata or corrigenda.
        • Retract publications in cases of significant misconduct.
        • Inform indexing services and databases of retractions.
  • Education and Awareness:
    • Promoting Integrity: Foster a culture of ethical research and publication practices.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Provide resources and training on research ethics.
        • Highlight cases of best practices in ethical publishing.
        • Encourage transparency and openness in research methods.

Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

Reviewers play a critical role in the publication process, and their adherence to ethical standards is essential for maintaining the quality and integrity of scholarly communication.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Confidentiality:
    • Respecting Privacy: Reviewers must treat manuscripts as confidential documents.
      • Instructions for Reviewers:
        • Do not share or discuss the manuscript with others without permission.
        • Avoid using information from the manuscript for personal advantage.
  • Objectivity and Fairness:
    • Impartial Assessment: Provide unbiased feedback based solely on the manuscript's content.
      • Instructions for Reviewers:
        • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editor.
        • Focus on constructive criticism that can help improve the manuscript.
        • Refrain from personal comments or derogatory remarks.
  • Timeliness:
    • Adhering to Deadlines: Complete reviews within the agreed timeframe to facilitate a prompt editorial process.
      • Instructions for Reviewers:
        • Notify the editor immediately if unable to review.
        • Provide a realistic estimate of when the review can be completed.
  • Expertise:
    • Appropriate Knowledge: Accept review assignments only if you have the necessary expertise.
      • Instructions for Reviewers:
        • Be honest about your qualifications to assess the manuscript.
        • Recommend alternative reviewers if outside your area of expertise.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is original, accurate, and conducted ethically. Adherence to these guidelines fosters trust and credibility in the scientific community.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Originality and Plagiarism:
    • Authentic Work: Submit only original work and properly cite all sources.
      • Instructions for Authors:
        • Avoid copying text or ideas without attribution.
        • Use plagiarism detection tools before submission.
        • Provide appropriate references and acknowledgments.
  • Data Integrity:
    • Accuracy and Honesty: Present data truthfully and avoid fabrication or falsification.
      • Instructions for Authors:
        • Retain raw data and be prepared to provide it if requested.
        • Report methods and results transparently.
        • Correct errors promptly if discovered post-publication.
  • Authorship Criteria:
    • Contribution Recognition: Ensure that all listed authors meet the criteria for authorship and have approved the final manuscript.
      • Instructions for Authors:
        • Define each author's contribution to the work.
        • Obtain consent from all co-authors before submission.
        • Address any disputes over authorship ethically and transparently.
  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:
    • Transparency: Declare any financial or personal relationships that could influence the work.
      • Instructions for Authors:
        • Include a conflict of interest statement in the manuscript.
        • Disclose funding sources and sponsorships.
        • Be transparent about affiliations that may be perceived as conflicts.
  • Ethical Research Conduct:
    • Compliance with Standards: Conduct research in accordance with ethical guidelines and obtain necessary approvals.
      • Instructions for Authors:
        • Provide details of ethical approvals and consent procedures.
        • Follow guidelines for the humane treatment of animals in research.
        • Respect privacy and confidentiality of research subjects.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Adhering to ethical standards is not only a moral obligation but also a requirement for indexing in major databases and recognition within the scientific community.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Alignment with Indexing Requirements:
    • Standards Compliance: Ensure that the journal's policies and practices meet the criteria set by indexing databases and regulatory bodies.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Regularly review guidelines from DOAJ, JCR, PubMed, Scopus, and others.
        • Implement necessary policy updates promptly.
        • Document compliance efforts and maintain records for audits.
  • Transparency and Accountability:
    • Open Practices: Promote transparency in editorial decisions, peer review processes, and publication ethics.
      • Instructions for Editors:
        • Publish editorial policies and guidelines on the journal's website.
        • Provide clear information on the peer review process.
        • Be accountable for the journal's content and ethical standards.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    • Quality Enhancement: Strive for ongoing improvement in ethical practices and editorial quality.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Seek feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers.
        • Participate in training and professional development opportunities.
        • Engage with the broader publishing community to stay informed of best practices.

Privacy and Data Protection Compliance

Protecting personal data and respecting privacy rights are essential aspects of ethical publishing, particularly in light of regulations such as the GDPR and CAN-SPAM Act.

Detailed Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Lawful Data Processing:
    • Regulatory Adherence: Collect and process personal data in compliance with applicable laws.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Identify the legal basis for data processing (e.g., consent, contractual necessity).
        • Maintain records of data processing activities.
        • Ensure data is used only for stated purposes.
  • Consent and Rights of Individuals:
    • Informed Consent: Obtain clear consent from individuals whose data is collected, providing options to withdraw consent.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Use consent forms that are easy to understand.
        • Inform individuals about their rights regarding data access, correction, and deletion.
        • Honor requests to exercise these rights promptly.
  • Data Security:
    • Protection Measures: Implement technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Use secure systems for data storage and transmission.
        • Limit access to personal data to authorized personnel.
        • Regularly assess and update security protocols.
  • Communication Compliance:
    • CAN-SPAM Act Adherence: Ensure that all electronic communications comply with regulations governing commercial messages.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Provide clear identification of the sender and purpose of emails.
        • Include opt-out mechanisms in communications.
        • Honor opt-out requests in a timely manner.
  • Privacy Policy Transparency:
    • Accessible Information: Publish a comprehensive privacy policy outlining data practices.
      • Instructions for Editors and Staff:
        • Clearly explain what data is collected and how it is used.
        • Update the policy to reflect changes in practices or regulations.
        • Make the policy easily accessible on the journal's website.

By adhering to these expanded guidelines, we collectively uphold the highest standards of ethical publishing. Your dedication to these principles ensures that the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology continues to be a trusted and esteemed source of scientific knowledge in the field of cardiovascular medicine.