Sinoatrial Blocks in Hyperthyroidism Treated with Beta-Blockers: A Case of Paradoxical Treatment

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Caterina Chiara De Carlini*
Ester Meles
Roberto Galbiati
Marco Di Sabato
Gaetano Gentile
Andrea Farina
Stefano Maggiolini


We describe an interesting case of a 52 year-old patient affected by thyrotoxicosis crisis, in whom sinoatrial blocks were associated with syncope and treated efficiently with beta-blockers.

We hypothesized the Bezold-Jarisch reflex as the mechanism which leads to bradycardia and hypotension with syncope related to prolonged tachycardia.

This hypothesis has not been, to our knowledge, considered in previous studies and offers therapeutic methods, as the patient was not treated with permanent pacing.


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Article Details

De Carlini, C. C., Meles, E., Galbiati, R., Sabato, M. D., Gentile, G., Farina, A., & Maggiolini, S. (2017). Sinoatrial Blocks in Hyperthyroidism Treated with Beta-Blockers: A Case of Paradoxical Treatment. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 4(1), 010–011.
Case Report(s)

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