The evolution of cities and the issues related to Sustainability

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Stephane Louise
Thiago Coelho Soares
José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra



This research aims to analyze the evolution of cities regarding the problems that have emerged over time. After all, cities are dynamic and constantly changing, so urban management must keep pace with these changes and adapt to new realities. However, many problems sometimes accumulate, and finding a solution can be more challenging. Population concentration can lead to issues related to health, education, unemployment, and poverty, among others, affecting the economic level and quality of life. As cities become the economic centers of nations, housing the highest productivity rates, there are challenges to face when considering the goals for 2030. The city as a whole plays a central role in achieving sustainable development. It is the responsibility of the population and municipal managers to work together towards the goals of sustainable development. This research concludes that it is necessary to analyze each city individually to consider sustainability. Checking local culture, geography, and economy, and adopting actions that effectively benefit residents and the environment.


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Article Details

Stephane Louise, Thiago Coelho Soares, & José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra. (2024). The evolution of cities and the issues related to Sustainability. Recent Advances in Evolution of Education and Outreach, 001–005.
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