The Ethical Dilemma of Educational Metaverse

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Mousa Al-kfairy
Omar Alfandi



This review investigates the ethical issues of integrating Metaverse technology in educational settings. Our study reveals significant ethical considerations, including privacy concerns, data security risks, and the widening digital divide. We identified critical challenges such as user safety, intellectual property rights, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence. To address these challenges, we propose robust solutions including enhanced privacy protections, initiatives to bridge the digital divide, and frameworks to ensure safe and inclusive environments. Additionally, we underscore the necessity of developing new pedagogical frameworks and management models to effectively incorporate Metaverse technologies. Our findings suggest that while the Metaverse offers immense potential for revolutionizing education, maintaining ethical standards and thoughtfully mitigating potential risks is crucial. By implementing the proposed solutions, educational institutions can harness the full potential of Metaverse technology while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.


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Article Details

Mousa Al-kfairy, & Omar Alfandi. (2024). The Ethical Dilemma of Educational Metaverse. Recent Advances in Evolution of Education and Outreach, 006–016.
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