Peertechz e-Books undergo rigorous peer-review process to authenticate research works in science, health and medicine before final publication. Peer-review process also helps in analyse whether the submitted e-Book maintains ethical standards and safeguards the truthful honest research works.

It is mandatory that all e-Books, prior to their publication, are subjected to peer-review. This is an essential step in the publication decision making process. All review reports are presented to an advisory board that ultimately decides on whether the book is suitable for publication.

Peertechz e-Books follow ‘Open’ Peer-Review process. Each e-Book chapters are send to reviewers who are experts in the scientific or technical domain of the e-Book. The e-Book editor(s) as well as author(s) should declare any ‘conflicts of interest’ at the time of e-Book submission. Before sending the e-Book/chapters to reviewer(s), we seek consent of potential reviewers about their availability and willingness to review. All correspondence with the reviewer is kept open. The reviewers are required to send their observations filled out in the customized review form. Essential, non-confidential information received from the reviewer is then communicated to the book author(s) who is in turn required to submit a point-wise reply to each of the reviewer’s comments. If required, the author(s) replies and the modified manuscript may be sent again to the original reviewer for a re-review.

e-Books advisory Board for a subject area will eventually reach a decision whether or not to publish a book based on the reviewer’s comments and recommendations. The Advisory Board will also assess the book’s excellence, originality and quality of the content.

Peertechz e-Books attaches great importance to pre-publication review and realizes the critical role that the reviewers play in the publication of accurate scientific literature. We deeply appreciate the efforts of all our reviewers.

Details of Peer-Review Advisory Board for the e-Books

Biology e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Chemistry e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Physics and astronomy e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Mathematics e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Medical sciences e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Environmental sciences e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Pharmacy e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board
Engineering and technology e-Books Peer-Review Advisory Board