Peertechz e-Books is a comprehensive online e-Books publication program that intends to cover all major disciplines including science, medicine and technology.
The preparation and publication of an e-Book is a joint effort between author(s) and publisher. Our goal is to help facilitate our authors for the seamless and professional publishing of e-Books.

Types of e-Books authors can submit:

The authors have facility to submit different types of e-Books, such as

Authored e-Book- These e-Books are written by a single author.
Edited e-Book- These e-Books are written by multiple authors.
e-Book Series- These represent a set of e-Books published in a series of volumes either in a closed (finite number of volumes) or open series format (indefinite number of volumes).
Authors who are interested in e-Book series must submit the proposal for e-Book series for approval by the Peer-Review Council.

Categories of e-Books
1. e-Books on Biology: subcategories
2. e-Books on Chemistry: subcategories
3. e-Books on Physics and astronomy: subcategories
4. e-Books on Mathematics: subcategories
5. e-Books on Medical sciences: subcategories
6. e-Books on Environmental sciences: subcategories
6. e-Books on Pharmacy: subcategories
7. e-Books on Engineering and technology: subcategories

e-Books segregation in subcategories
1. e-Books on Biology
e-Books on Comparative anatomy
e-Books on Mammalogy 
e-Books on Veterinary science
e-Books on Zoology 
e-Books on Developmental biology
e-Books on Evolutionary biology
e-Books on Ecology 
e-Books on Biochemistry 
e-Books on Bioengineering 
e-Books on Molecular biology
e-Books on Anatomy 
e-Books on Genetics 
e-Books on Immunology 
e-Books on Botany 
e-Books on Marine biology
e-Books on Entomology
e-Books on Ethology
e-Books on Herpetology 
e-Books on Ichthyology 
e-Books on Nothology 
e-Books on Ornithology 
e-Books on Primatology 
e-Books on Biogeography 
e-Books on Epigenetics 
e-Books on Ichnology 
e-Books on Morphology 
e-Books on Paleontology 
e-Books on Aerobiology 
e-Books on Astrobiology
e-Books on Bioclimatology 
e-Books on Building biology
e-Books on Chronobiology 
e-Books on Conservation biology
e-Books on Cryobiology 
e-Books on Geobiology 
e-Books on Limnology 
e-Books on Cytology 
e-Books on Histology 
e-Books on Microbiology 
e-Books on Palynology 
e-Books on Protistology 
e-Books on Embryology 
e-Books on Endocrinology 
e-Books on Epidemiology 
e-Books on Esthesiology 
e-Books on Koniology 
e-Books on Mastology
e-Books on Mycology

e-Books on Chemistry

e-Books on Medicinal chemistry
e-Books on Polymer chemistry
e-Books on Stereochemistry
e-Books on Geochemistry
e-Books on Nuclear chemistry
e-Books on Organometallic chemistry
e-Books on Forensic chemistry
e-Books on Environmental chemistry
e-Books on Bio-analytical Chemistry
e-Books on Photochemistry
e-Books on Surface chemistry
e-Books on Chemical kinetics
e-Books on Quantum chemistry
e-Books on Spectroscopy

e-Books on Physics and astronomy

e-Books on Classical mechanics
e-Books on Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
e-Books on Electromagnetism and electronics
e-Books on Relativity
e-Books on Quantum mechanics
e-Books on optical physics
e-Books on nuclear physics
e-Books on Cosmology
e-Books on astrophysics
e-Books on biophysics
e-Books on chemical physics
e-Books on econophysics
e-Books on geophysics
e-Books on Quantum computing

e-Books on Mathematics

e-Books on Pure mathematics
e-Books on Algebra
e-Books on Calculus and analysis
e-Books on Geometry and topology
e-Books on Combinatorics
e-Books on Number theory
e-Books on Applied mathematics
e-Books on Dynamical systems and differential equations
e-Books on Mathematical physics
e-Books on Computation
e-Books on Information theory and signal processing
e-Books on Probability and statistics
e-Books on Game theory
e-Books on Operations research
e-Books on Mathematical objects

e-Books on Medical sciences

e-Books on Allergy and Clinical Immunology
e-Books on Anatomy and Physiology
e-Books on Andrology
e-Books on Anesthesiology and Pain Management
e-Books on Cardiology
e-Books on Clinical Trials
e-Books on Cognitive Disorders
e-Books on Dentistry
e-Books on Dermatology
e-Books on Diabetes and Endocrinology
e-Books on Drugs and Devices
e-Books on Emergency and Critical Care
e-Books on Epidemiology
e-Books on Evidence Based Medicine
e-Books on Gastroenterology and Hepatology
e-Books on Geriatrics
e-Books on Global Health
e-Books on Gynecology and Obstetrics
e-Books on Health Policy
e-Books on Hematology
e-Books on HIV research
e-Books on Immunology
e-Books on Infectious Diseases
e-Books on Internal Medicine
e-Books on Kinesiology
e-Books on Medical Genetics
e-Books on Metabolic Sciences
e-Books on Nephrology
e-Books on Neurology
e-Books on Nursing
e-Books on Nutrition
e-Books on Oncology
e-Books on Ophthalmology
e-Books on Orthopedics
e-Books on Otorhinolaryngology
e-Books on Palliative Care
e-Books on Pathology
e-Books on Pediatrics
e-Books on Psychiatry and Psychology
e-Books on Public Health
e-Books on Radiology and Medical Imaging
e-Books on Respiratory Medicine
e-Books on Rheumatology
e-Books on Surgery and Surgical Specialties
e-Books on Translational Medicine
e-Books on Urology
e-Books on Women's Health

e-Books on Environmental Sciences

e-Books on Biological Oceanography
e-Books on Biosphere Interactions
e-Books on Climate Change Biology
e-Books on Ecohydrology
e-Books on Ecosystem Science
e-Books on Ecotoxicology
e-Books on Environmental Contamination and Remediation
e-Books on Environmental Impacts
e-Books on Food, Water and Energy Nexus
e-Books on Forestry
e-Books on Green Chemistry
e-Books on Natural Resource Management
e-Books on Soil Science
e-Books on Spatial and Geographic Information Science

e-Books on Pharmacy

e-Books on Ambulatory care pharmacy
e-Books on Clinical pharmacy
e-Books on Community pharmacy
e-Books on Consultant pharmacy
e-Books on Hospital pharmacy
e-Books on Military Pharmacy
e-Books on Nuclear pharmacy
e-Books on Pharmaceutical analysis
e-Books on Pharmaceutical chemistry
e-Books on Pharmaceutical technology
e-Books on Pharmaceutics
e-Books on Pharmacognocy
e-Books on Pharmacokinetics
e-Books on Pharmacology
e-Books on Pharmaceutical jurisprudence
e-Books on Pharmacy informatics
e-Books on Pharmacy practices
e-Books on Quality assurance
e-Books on Veterinary pharmacy

e-Books on Engineering and Technology

e-Books on Acoustics
e-Books on Aeronautics
e-Books on Aerospace Engineering
e-Books on Agricultural Engineering
e-Books on Architecture and design
e-Books on Automobile Engineering
e-Books on Biomedical Engineering
e-Books on Biotechnology
e-Books on Chemical Engineering
e-Books on Civil Engineering
e-Books on Computer Engineering
e-Books on Electrical Engineering
e-Books on Electronics Engineering
e-Books on Environmental Engineering
e-Books on Food Science and Technology
e-Books on Genetic Engineering
e-Books on Industrial Engineering
e-Books on Information Technology
e-Books on Leather Technology
e-Books on Marine Engineering
e-Books on Materials Science and Engineering
e-Books on Mechanical Engineering
e-Books on Mechatronics Engineering
e-Books on Metallurgical Engineering
e-Books on Mining Engineering
e-Books on Naval Architectural Engineering
e-Books on Nuclear Engineering
e-Books on Ocean Engineering
e-Books on Petroleum Engineering
e-Books on Production Plant Engineering
e-Books on Safety Engineering
e-Books on Software Engineering
e-Books on Telecommunication Engineering
e-Books on Textile Engineering
e-Books on Transportation Engineering